"The payment of tithing has less to do with money, but more to do with faith”

Joseph B. Wirthlin
Ensign, May 1990, 32

The Law of Tithing and the Law of the Fast
Class Member Study Guide - Lesson 17

Food for Thought
  • What is to be learned from how 'fasting' is applied in other faiths?
  • Why would God give us additional blessings merely from 'skipping a meal'?
  • What is the connection between denying what our body wants and 'losing your life to find it' (Matt 16:24-25)?
  • How has the Law of Tithing changed over time, and what is to be learned from its evolution?
  • How does paying money to an organization help you feel connected to it?

    As Shared In Class

    A Brief History of LDS Tithing

    - 1837: Bishop Edward Partridge and counselors decided tithing was 2% of net worth, after deducting debt. "Voluntary tithing is better than forced taxes…". Tithing paid in labor, property, livestock

    - 1838: Joseph Smith revelation required more sacrifice..."all surplus property, and 10% of interest after that

    - 1841: Quorum of 12 decided tithing changed to 10% of current possessions and 10% income going forward…no penalties for avoidance

    - Next 30 years various attempts at implementing this, deposits upon arrival to Utah, upon being baptized, certain leaders were exempt. Most people paid less than 1%. "Otherwise faithful members withered before an overwhelming tithing obligation". 

    - 1880: 50th anniversary, biblical jubilee forgiving half of delinquent tithing, 

    - 1881: Only full tithe payers could only get temple recommends. Still 10% down, 10% going forward, all back tithing accrued. Historians noted decrease in converts and immigration to Utah.

    - 1899: Lorenzo Snow announced revelation limiting to 10% of income, no down payment. No definition of gross or net income. (interesting historical note - the 'windows of heaven' video likely took much creative license in the portrayal of the events…St. George was paying more tithing than SLC and drought didn't end soon…)

    - 1970: 1st Presidency letter stating "interest" as defined in original revelation is "income"…no one can / should declare more or less than that. No definition of gross vs. net..

    - Sources: 
    LDS History blog

    Brief History of Tithing

    Deseret News article, on the nature of tithing...

    Jeffrey R. Holland, on shedding self-absorption...

    Additional Resources
    Mormon Stories Sunday School podcast - Tithing

    Encyclopedia of Mormonism on tithing

    New Zealand Mormon Finances Case Study

    Physical benefits of intermittent fasting

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