“Spiritual gifts are distributed among the members of the Church, according to their faithfulness, circumstances, natural abilities, duties, and callings; that the whole may be properly instructed, confirmed, perfected, and saved.”

Orson Pratt
Masterful Discourses and Writings of Orson Pratt, comp. N. B. Lundwall [1953], 571

Seek Ye Earnestly the Best Gifts
Class Member Study Guide - Lesson 15

Food for Thought
  • How can we best discover our gifts and talents, and ways to use them to bless others?
  • How can we best develop those gifts we may not have?
  • What are we to do if our gifts, talents, and interests feel 'different' or outside the normal structure? 

    As Shared in Class
  • Organizational Models:
    Hierarchy- (levels of greatness, ruled by whomever is above) good for control, distribution, bad for information integrity and visibility and mobility. Not flexible, but withstands winds that may blow. Thrives on conformity to order. 

    Oligarchy-(many are ruled by the few) good for information integrity and visibility, tough to maintain control as pressure grows, flexible and nimble, but driven by whims of leaders. Thrives on devotion to leadership.

    Isocracy- (everyone is equal, no central power), Unified in belief, but unique in identity...Think King Arthur's round table, City of Enoch, land of Zion, etc., Thrives on diversity & unity of purpose. 

  • Theory of Spiritual BioDiversity: God's vineyard will be fruitful only when multiple varieties of each type of tree are present, each planted and nourished according to their own unique needs. 

  • Dieter Uchtdorf, on the need for diversity in church...

  • Marvin Ashton, on uncommon gifts...

    Additional Resources
    Engaging Gospel Doctrine podcast on Spiritual Gifts

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